EVOSS delivers a wide-range of network protection from external to internal threats. EVOSS UTM solutions are flexible. The IT staff can easily do configurations that will best suit your company requirements. In addition, EVOSS cost considerably less compared to a combination of stand-alone security tools.
Secure business from cyber threats such as phishing, ransomware, and others.
Networking and security integration to simplify the wired and wireless infrastructure.
An extendable architecture that grow as your business grow and threats evolve in the future.
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
One appliance for all security to protect your privacy, data and information
One Appliance, Total Security.
1. Unified Threat Management (UTM)
EVOSS provides UTM with functions such as: anti-virus, anti-spam, content filtering, web filtering and leak prevention. Besides that, we also provide services such as remote routing, network address translation (NAT), and virtual private network (VPN) support.
2. Why do I need a UTM?
Nowadays, the combinations of various types of malware and attacks that target separate parts of the network simultaneously are becoming known. Preventing these types of attacks can be difficult when using separate appliances and vendors for each specific security task. Therefore, EVOSS is here to help solve the problem. It provides answer to solve the following challenges and more:
- It provides network security from viruses, malware, or malicious attachments by scanning the incoming data individually.
- It prevents attacks before they enter the network by inspecting the packet headers.
- It prevents access to unwanted websites by installing enhanced web filtering.
- It provides ability to update automatically with the latest security updates, anti-virus definitions, and new features for easy maintenance.
- It allows administrators to manage a wide range of security functions with a single management console.
You can request a professional advice from this website or call our sales representatives for personal customer service at
+607-235 3250, from 9.00am to 6.00pm.